

Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco, CA

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Benjamin Cummings wishes to thank the following individuals for their dedication to the Campbell Biology 7th Edition CD-ROM and website.
Deborah Gale, Pat Burner, Russell Chun, Robin Heyden, Aaron Gass, Meghan Marx.

Benjamin Cummings wishes to thank the following contributors for their long hours and dedication to the Campbell Biology 7th Edition CD-ROM and website.

Activities developed by:
Richard Liebaert, Linn-Benton Community College
Eric Stavney, Highline Community College
Steven Roof, Fairmont State University
Brian Shmaefsky, Kingwood College
Joe Russin, Lane Community College
Steve Berg, Winona State University
David Byres, Florida Community College at Jacksonville
Robert Thornton, University of California at Davis
Jacqueline McLaughlin, Pennsylvania State University at Lehigh Valley
Activities edited by Russell Chun, Pat Burner, and John Burner

Activities and Investigations adapted from The Biology Place for the Campbell Biology CD-ROM and website were originally developed by:
Theresa Knapp Holtzclaw, Clinton, Tennessee
Thomas Terry, University of Connecticut
Graham Kent, Smith College
Peter Russell, Reed College
Deanna Raineri, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Richard Benz, Science Chairman, Wickliffe High School
Brad Williamson, Olathe East High School
Eugene S. Takle and Michael R. Taber, Iowa State University
John Postlethwait, University of Oregon
Carol Welsh, Long Beach City College.

Investigations adapted from Physio Ex for the Campbell Biology CD-ROM and website were originally developed by:
Timothy Stabler, Indiana University Northwest; and Peter Zao, North Idaho College. Programming by Cadre Design pty ltd and additional editing performed by Russell Chun.

Additional Investigations also developed by:
Robert Thornton, University of California, Davis
Lisa Urry, Mills College
Eric Stavney, Highline Community College
Fred Spiegel, University of Arkansas.
Edited by Russell Chun, Pat Burner Shana Ederer, John Burner, and Kim Johnson.

Quizzes prepared by:
Project Editor - Amy Austin
Conrad Firling, Univesity of Minnesota, Duluth
Thomas Owens, Cornell University
Mark Hens, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Peter Follette,
Michael Dini, Texas Tech University
Marshall Sundberg, Emporia State University
Jean DeSaix, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Ed Zalisko, Blackburn College
Robert Yost, Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis
Janice Moore, Colorado State University

Art and animation provided by:
Russell Chun, Bang Wong, Eric Stickney, Steve Pasos, Jony Chandra, Scott Sawyer, Peter Tsacle, Allyson Kovas, Suling Wang, Eddie Carbin, Steve McIntee, Justin Klein, and Roula Drossis.

News Links provided by:
Richard Benz, Science Chairman, Wickliffe High School

Further Readings provided by:
Lisa A. Urry, Mills College
Christopher Wills, University of California, San Diego
Carl Zimmer
Peter Minorsky, Mercy College
Manuel Molles, University of New Mexico

Activities and Investigations Photo and Video Credits:
Chapter 1:
Activity: The Levels of Life Card Game
© Nigel J. Dennis/NHPA (African savanna), Zebra © Frank Krahmer/Planet Earth Pictures (zebra).

Chapter 2:
Investigation: How Are Space Rocks Analyzed for Signs of Life?
Earth photo courtesy of Chris Kitze. © 1991 Aris Entertainment, Inc.

Chapter 6:
Investigation: What Is the Size and Scale of Our World?
Photo courtesy of NASA
Aerial Photograph near Sacramento, courtesy of the University of California Museum of Paleontology and the UC Regents
Redwood and Friend photo © Jason Conner;
Camponotus japonicus Mayyr, courtesy of the Japanese Ant Database
Light micrograph of a nematode, © University of California at Davis
Scanning electron micrograph of a mite, Courtesy of the University of California Museum of Paleontology and the UC Regents
Scanning electron micrograph of a macrophage ingesting bacteria, © James A. Sullivan
Transmission electron micrograph of bacterial cell, Courtesy of the University of California Museum of Paleontology and the UC Regents
Model of a Rhinovirus, © Jean-Yves Sgro, created with SRF from Michael Connolly
Model of a Hemoglobin Molecule, © Tom Terry
Model of double-helical DNA, © Paul Thiessen
Model of a hydrogen atom, © Tom Terry
Bacteriophage lambda, courtesy of Integrated Microscope Resources
Cyclops, © University of Southhampton
Picornovirus, © Professor Stewart McNulty, the Queen's University of Belfast
Ribosomes, © Wadsworth Center, New York Dept. of Health
Human blood smear, © Loren Hoffman and V.P. Winfrey, Vanderbilt Medical School
Diseased and normal neuron, © Mark Ellisman
Animal fibroblast cell, © University of Southhampton.

Chapter 12:
Activity: Roles of Cell Division
Family photo courtesy of Angela Mann.

Activity: Mitosis and Cytokinesis Video
Mitosis in a Newt Cell, C. L. Rieder, Wadsworth Center for Labs and Research © New York State Department of Health.

Investigation: How Much Time Do Cells Spend in Each Phase of Mitosis?
Whitefish blastula courtesy of Graham Kent, Smith College
Mitosis in a plant cell, C.L. Rieder, Wadsworth Center for Labs and Research © New York State Dept of Health.

Chapter 13:
Investigation: How Can the Frequency of Crossing Over Be Estimated?
Asci micrograph courtesy of Carolina Biological Supply Company.

Chapter 14:
Investigation: How Do You Diagnose a Genetic Disorder?
Pedigree, adapted from J.F. Gusella, et al. (1983) Nature 306: 234-238
PET scans (healthy and with Huntington's disease), Keith A. Johnson, J. Alex Becker
Sketch of human chromosomes (ideogram) courtesy of David Adler, University of Washington, Department of Pathology.

Chapter 16:
Activity: The Hershey-Chase Experiment
Photo of Martha Chase and Alfred Hershey, courtesy of ColdSpring Harbor Archives.

Chapter 18:
Activity: The lac Operon in E. coli
Jacob & Monod photo, courtesy of Archive Photo.

Investigation: What Causes Infections in AIDS Patients?: Microscopic view of infected lung tissue, © Jerry Niederkorn, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Skin lesions, Courtesy of Dr. Jaffe, University of South Carolina Medical School, Columbia, SC.
Microscopic view of skin lesions, Courtesy of Dr. Jaffe, University of South Carolina Medical School, Columbia, SC.
Investigation: Why Do AIDS Rates Differ Across the U.S.?
Data courtesy the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Chapter 20:
Activity: The Human Genome Project: Genes on Human Chromosome 17
© CNRI/SPL/Photo Researchers, Inc.

Chapter 22:
Activity: Darwin and the Galápagos Islands
photos courtesy of Dr. Stephen Ervin and Jim Behnke.

Activity: The Voyage of the Beagle: Darwin's Trip Around the World
Satellite map, © 1997, Living Earth, Inc/Earth Imaging
Beagle's commemorative stamps and Keeling Islands commemorative stamps courtesy Erik Philippus
Rainforest photo courtesy Dr. Stephen Mulkey
Rainforest vines photo courtesy Marco Bleeker, Chez Marco's Botanical Website
Rainforest canopy photo courtesy International Center for Tropical Ecology/University of Missouri – St. Louis. Photo by Nalini Nadkarni
Brazilian rainforest, Andre Tosello © Base de Dados Tropical
Vampire bat, Diana Chaytor
Leaf cutter ant courtesy Faith Foundation
Sloth skeleton, Wellcome Institute Library, London
Guanacos photo courtesy Lost World Adventures
Patagonia cliff © Marcelo D. Beccaceci from Patagonia Wilderness
Rhea, photo of illustration by Steven Borack, Boston
Beech trees photo © Copyright Victory Yacht Cruises, 1988
Tierra del Fuego glacier © 1996 Wayne Bernhardson/Lonely Planet Publications
Falkland Islands, coast and albatross, Ian J. Strange
Fox, photo of illustration by Steven Borack, Boston
The Andes and Mount Orsono © 1995 Wayne Bernhardson/Lonely Planet Publications
Torcaza Trails. Photo by Franz Helfenstein
Earthquake photo, Carl Frank/Photo Researchers, Inc.
Finch and tortoise photos courtesy of Dr. Stephen Ervin
Darwin and Emma, University College London Library, Galton papers
Darwin's study at Down House, English Heritage Photographic Library.

Chapter 33:
Investigation: How Are Insect Species Identified?
Lacewing and cockroach photos, courtesy of the Entomology Department at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Dragonfly © Corel Photo CD
Mayfly © Scott Camazine.

Chapter 34:
Investigation: How Does Bone Structure Shed Light on the Origin of Birds?
pigeon skeleton diagram
Comsognathus fossil photo © Palaeontological Museum, University of Oslo, Norway
Comsognathus illustration with permission from artist at Berislav Krzic
Bambiraptor skeleton photo (cropped): Terry Renna/Associated Press Copyright © 2000 Discovery Communications Inc.
Bambiraptor illustration: Picture: Pat Redman/Graves Museum of Archaeology and Natural History Copyright © 2000 Discovery Communications Inc.
Archaeopteryx fossil: University of California-Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology
Longisquama fossil courtesy John Ruben and Terry Jones at Oregon State University
Artist's rendition of Longisquama John Rubens at the University of Oregon
Bone structure micrographs John Rensberger at the Burke Museum of Natural History, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.

Chapter 35:
Activity: Root, Stem, and Leaf Sections
Monocot and dicot stem copyright Ed Reschke.

Investigation: What Are Functions of Monocot Tissues?
Dicot and monocot stems courtesy of Graham Kent, Smith College.

Chapter 38:
Investigation: What Tells Desert Seeds When to Germinate?
Pectis papposa photo copyright Wyno Anderson.

Chapter 47:
Activity: Sea Urchin Development
Sea Urchin video. Produced by Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers Sponsored by the Society for Developmental Biology Filmed by Rachel Fink, Mount Holyoke College Seth Ruffins, Carnegie Mellon University Charles Ettensohn, Carnegie Mellon University.

Activity: Frog Development
Frog development video. Produced by Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers Sponsored by the Society for Developmental Biology Filmed by Ray Keller, University of California, Berkeley, John Shih, University of California, Berkeley.

Chapter 51:
Activity: Honeybee Waggle Dance
Honeybee Waggle Dance video, Oxford Scientific Films.

Chapter 52:
Activity: Human Population Growth
Black and white photo, Library of Congress.

Chapter 53:
Activity: Primary Succession
All photos by Tom Bean.

Chapter 54:
Activity: Water Pollution from Nitrates
Manure lagoon photo by Terry Morrow, Copyright © 1995 The Pennsylvania State University.

Activity: Pyramids of Production
cheetah video © Fabulous Footage, Inc.

Chapter 55:
Activity: Madagascar and the Biodiversity Crisis
Baobab tree from Greatest Places Online © 1999 Science Museum of Minnesota.

Activity: Introduced Species: Fire Ants
Ant bites photo by Daniel Wojcik, ARS Image Library
Queen Solenopsis invicta photo by Kenneth Ross
Pseudacteon photo by L. E. Gilbert, University of Texas at Austin
Decapitated fire ant photo by Sanford Porter, ARS Image Library.

Video Credits:
SEA HORSES © National Geographic; PARAMECIUM VACUOLE © Henry Mainwaring, Western Carolina University; PARAMECIUM CILIA Courtesy of Graham R. Kent and Rebecca L. Turner, Smith College; CYTOPLASMIC STREAMING © Michael Clayton, University of Wisconsin, Madison; PLASMOLYZING ELODEA © Henry Mainwaring, Western Carolina University; TURGID ELODEA © Michael Clayton, University of Wisconsin, Madison; ANIMAL MITOSIS © Conly L. Rieder, NY State Department of Health; HYDRA BUDDING Courtesy of Graham R. Kent and Rebecca L. Turner, Smith College; BIOTECHNOLOGY LAB Courtesy of Genencor International, Inc.; C. elegans CRAWLING © Robert P. Goldstein, UNC Chapel Hill; TIME-LAPSE OF C. elegans EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT © Robert P. Goldstein, UNC Chapel Hill; THE GRAND CANYON Courtesy of USGS; GALAPAGOS ISLANDS OVERVIEW, THE MARINE IGUANA, THE GALAPAGOS SEA LION, DOME-BACKED TORTOISE © Richard Benz, Science Chairman, Wickliffe School; LAVA FLOW Courtesy of USGS; VOLCANIC ERUPTION Courtesy of USGS; HYDROTHERMAL VENT © National Geographic; SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM SWIMMING © Robert Macnab, Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University; OSCILLATORIA © Michael Clayton, University of Wisconsin, Madison; AMOEBA Courtesy of Graham R. Kent and Rebecca L. Turner, Smith College; EUGLENA, EUGLENA MOTION © Michael Clayton, University of Wisconsin, Madison; DINOFLAGELLATE, VORTICELLA CILIA Courtesy of Graham R. Kent and Rebecca L. Turner, Smith College; VORTICELLA DETAIL and VORTICELLA HABITAT Michael Clayton, University of Wisconsin, Madison; STENTOR> CILIATE MOVEMENT Courtesy of Graham R. Kent and Rebecca L. Turner, Smith College and STENTOR Mike Clayton, University of Wisconsin, Madison; WATER MOLD OOGONIUM and WATER MOLD ZOOSPORES, DIATOMS MOVING, VARIOUS DIATOMS, VOLVOX COLONY, VOLVOX DAUGHTER, VOLVOX FLAGELLA, and CHLAMYDOMONAS Courtesy Michael Clayton, University of Wisconsin, Madison; AMOEBA PSEUDOPODIA Henry Mainwaring, Western Carolina University; PLASMODIAL SLIME MOLD STREAMING and PLASMODIAL SLIME MOLD courtesy Michael Clayton, University of Wisconsin, Madison; FLOWER BLOOMING TIME-LAPSE © National Geographic; TIME LAPSE OF FLOWERING PLANT LIFE CYCLE and BEE POLLINATING courtesy of Graham R. Kent and Rebecca L. Turner, Smith College; BAT POLLINATING AGAVE PLANT courtesy Katharine Hinman, SUNY Stony Brook, Department of Ecology and Evolution; PHLYCTOCHYTRIUM ZOOSPORE RELEASE and ALLOMYCES ZOOSPORE RELEASE Henry Mainwaring, Western Carolina University; TIME-LAPSE OF HYDRA EATING DAPHNIA courtesy of Graham R. Kent and Rebecca L. Turner, Smith College; HYDRA RELEASING SPERM courtesy of Kerry Thompson; JELLY SWIMMING and THIMBLEJELLIES © National Geographic; ROTIFER © Michael Clayton, University of Wisconsin, Madison; NUDIBRANCHS © National Geographic; EARTHWORM LOCOMOTION and LOBSTER MOUTH PARTS courtesy of Graham R. Kent and Rebecca L. Turner, Smith College; BUTTERFLY EMERGING © National Geographic; ECHINODERM TUBE FEET courtesy of Graham R. Kent and Rebecca L. Turner, Smith College; MANTA RAY, FLAPPING GEESE , SOARING HAWK , and SWANS TAKING FLIGHT © National Geographic; BAT LICKING NECTAR © Katharine Hinman, SUNY Stony Brook, Department of Ecology and Evolution; GIBBONS BRACHIATING © National Geographic; ROOT GROWTH IN A RADISH SEED courtesy of Graham R. Kent and Rebecca L. Turner, Smith College; SUN DEW TRAPPING PREY © National Geographic; PHOTOTROPISM, GRAVITROPISM, and MIMOSA LEAF courtesy of Graham R. Kent and Rebecca L. Turner, Smith College; WHALE EATING A SEAL © National Geographic; T CELL RECEPTORS © Dr. Matthew Krummel, UCSF, Department of Pathology; HUMAN FETUS ULTRASOUND 1 courtesy of Graham R. Kent and Rebecca L. Turner, Smith College; ULTRSOUND OF FETUS 2 courtesy of Mike and Charlie McCullough; SEA URCHIN EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT Rachel Fink, editor, "A Dozen Eggs", Society for Developmental Biology; FROG EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT Ray Keller and John Shih, University of California, Berkeley, sponsored by the Society for Developmental Biology; CORAL REEF, TUBEWORMS, DUCKLINGS, CHIMP CRACKING NUT, CHIMP AGONISTIC BEHAVIOR, SNAKE RITUAL WRESTLING and WOLVES AGONISTIC BEHAVIOR © National Geographic; ALBATROSS COURTSHIP RITUAL and BLUE-FOOTED BOOBIES COURTSHIP RITUAL Richard Benz, Science Chairman, Wickliffe School; GIRAFFE COURTSHIP and CLOWNFISH AND ANEMONE © National Geographic.

The Campbell Biology Interviews Photos and Sketches by:
Thomas Eisner © Robert Barker, Cornell University; George Langford © Michelle Bosch; Nancy Hopkins © Anne Dowie/Benjamin Cummings; Peter and Rosemary Grant © Rita Nannini; Paul Sereno © Mike Hettwer; Joanne Chory © James Aronovsky; Flossie Wong-Staal © James Aronovsky; David Schindler © Richard Siemens; Mario Molina © Stella Johnson; Bruce Alberts © Linda Bartlett/Addison Wesley Longman.; Mary-Claire King © Mary Levin, University of Washington; Richard Dawkins © Kathleen Cameron/Addison Wesley Longman.; Elisabeth Vrba © Sven Martson/Addison Wesley Longman; Gloria Coruzzi © Kathleen Cameron/Addison Wesley Longman; Terence Dawson © Paul Anderton/Addison Wesley Longman.; Michael Dombeck © Linda Bartlett/Addison Wesley Longman.; Eloy Rodriguez © John Bohn; Shinya Inoué © Mary DeChirico/Benjamin/Cummings.; David Satcher © Kevin Keister/Benjamin/Cummings.; John Maynard Smith © Stuart Frawley/Benjamin/Cummings.; Edward O. Wilson © John Bohn; Adrienne Clarke © Julian Kingma/Benjamin/Cummings.; Patricia Churchland © Rocky Thies; Margaret Davis © Tom Foley/Benjamin/Cummings; Candace Pert © Annalisa Kraft; Harold Varmus and Michael Bishop © Robin Heyden; David Suzuki © Pedro Perez; Ernst Mayr © Annalisa Kraft; Stephen Jay Gould © Annalisa Kraft; Virginia Walbot © Alain McGlaughlin; Insert of Corn. Courtesy of Virginia Walbot; Karel Liem © Ron Wurzer; Ariel Lugo © Alain McGlaughlin; Stanley Miller sketches © Robin J. Williams; Charles Leblond sketches © Robin J. Williams; Microscope © Robin J. Williams; Nancy Wexler sketches © Robin J. Williams; Niles Eldredge sketches © Robin J. Williams; William Schopf sketches © Robin J. Williams; Ruth Satter sketches © Robin J. Williams; George Bartholomew sketches © Robin J. Williams; Elephant Seal sketch © Robin J. Williams; Jane Goodall sketches © Ray Pfortner; Chimpanzee sketch © Ray Pfortner; Linus Pauling © James W. Behnke; Peter and Birgit Satir sketches © Jeffrey Fox; James D Watson opener Mark Tuschman © Benjamin/Cummings; Watson sketch by Mark Tuschman © Benjamin/Cummings; Watson & interviewer sketch by Mark Tuschman © Benjamin/Cummings; Steven M. Stanley © James W. Behnke; Lynn Margulis Lynn Margulis; Margulis & interviewer sketches by Lynn Margulis; Kenneth Thimann © James W. Behnke; Albert F. Bennett and and interviewer sketches © James W. Behnke; Jane Lubchenco © James W. Behnke.

Campbell Media Manager Credits:

    Illustration Credits

    The following figures are adapted from Christopher K. Matthews and K. E. van Holde, Biochemistry, 2nd ed., Menlo Park, CA: Benjamin/Cummings. © 1996 The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.: 4.6, 9.9, and 17.16b and c.

    The following figures are adapted from Wayne M. Becker, Jane B. Reece, and Martin F. Poenie, The World of the Cell, 3rd ed., Menlo Park, CA: Benjamin/Cummings. © 1996 The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.: 4.7, 6.7, 7.8, 11.7a, 11.10, 17.10, 19.13, 19.16, and 20.7

    Figures 6.9 and 6.23 and cell organelle drawings in Figures 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, and 6.20 are adapted from illustrations by Tomo Narashima in Elaine N. Marieb, Human Anatomy and Physiology, 5th ed., San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings. © 2001 Benjamin Cummings, an imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Figures 6.12, 49.10, and 49.11 are also from Human Anatomy and Physiology, 5th ed.

    The following figures are adapted from Murray W. Nabors, Introduction to Botany, San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings. © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: 30.12j, 38.3c, 39.13, and 41.10.

    Figures 46.16, 48.22, 48.24, 49.26, 49.29, and 49.33 are adapted from Elaine N. Marieb, Human Anatomy and Physiology, 4th ed., Menlo Park, CA: Benjamin/Cummings. © 1998 Benjamin/Cummings, an imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

    Some illustrations used in BIOLOGY, Seventh Edition, are adapted from Neil Campbell, Brad Williamson, and Robin Heyden, Biology: Exploring Life, Needham, MA, Prentice Hall School Division. © 2004 by Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. Artists: Jennifer Fairman; Mark Foerster; Carlyn Iverson; Phillip Guzy; Steve McEntee; Stephen McMath; Karen Minot; Quade and Emi Paul, Fivth Media; and Nadine Sokol.

    1.10 and graphic in Table 1.1 Adapted from Figure 4 from L. Giot et al., "A Protein Ineraction of Map of Drosophila melanogaster, Science, Dec. 5, 2003, p. 1733.;
    1.27 Map provided courtesy of David W. Pfennig, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.;
    1.29 Map provided courtesy of David W. Pfennig, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.. Data in pie charts based on D. W. Pfennig et al. 2001. Frequency-dependent Batesian mimicry. Nature 410: 323.

    3.7a Adapted from Scientific American, Nov. 1998, p. 102.

    4.8 Adapted from an illustration by Clark Still, Columbia University.

    5.13 From Biology: The Science of Life, 3/e by Robert Wallace et al. Copyright © 1991. Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc.;
    5.20a, b Adapted from D. W. Heinz, W. A. Baase, F. W. Dahlquist, B. W. Matthews. 1993. How amino-acid insertions are allowed in an alpha-helix of T4 lysozyme. Nature 361:561;
    5.20e and f © Illustration, Irving Geis. Rights owned by Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Not to reproduced without permission;
    Table 6.1 Adapted from W. M. Becker, L. J. Kleinsmith, and J. Hardin, The World of the Cell, 4th ed. (San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings, 2000), p. 753.

    9.5a & b Copyright © 2002 from Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th ed. by Bruce Alberts et al., fig. 2.69, p. 92. Garland Science/Taylor & Francis Books, Inc.

    10.14 Adapted from Richard and David Walker. Energy, Plants and Man, fig. 4.1, p. 69. Sheffield: University of Sheffield. © Richard Walker. Used courtesy of Oxygraphics.

    12.12 Copyright © 2002 from Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th ed., by Bruce Alberts et al., fig. 18.41, p. 1059. Garland Science/Taylor & Francis Books, Inc.

    17.12 Adapted from L. J. Kleinsmith and V. M. Kish. 1995. Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2nd ed. New York, NY: HarperCollins. Reprinted by permission of Addison Wesley Educational Publishers.

    19.17b © Illustration, Irving Geis. Rights owned by Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Not to reproduced without permission.;
    Table 19.1 A. Griffiths et al. 2000. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis, 7th ed., Table 26-4, p. 787. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company. Copyright © 2000 W. H. Freeman and Company.

    20.9 Adapted from Peter Russell, Genetics, 5th ed., fig. 15.24, p. 481, San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings. © 1998 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey;

    20.11 Adapted from a figure by Chris A. Kaiser and Erica Beade.

    21.15 Copyright © 2002 from Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th ed., by Bruce Alberts et al., fig. 21.17, p. 1172. Garland Science/Taylor & Francis Books, Inc.;
    21.23 Adapted from an illustration by William McGinnis;
    21.24 Brine shrimp adapted from M. Akam. 1995. Hox genes and the evolution of diverse body plans. Philosophical Transactions B. 349:313-319. © 1995 Royal Society of London. In Wolpert et al. 1998. Principles of Development, fig. 15.10, p. 452. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    22.13 Adapted from R. Shurman et al. 1995. Journal of Infectious Diseases 171:1411.

    23.13 Adapted from A. C. Allison. 1961. Abnormal hemoglobin and erythrocyte enzyme-deficiency traits. In Genetic Variation in Human Populations, ed. G. A. Harrison. Oxford: Elsevier Science.

    24.7 Adapted from D. M. B. Dodd, Evolution 11: 1308-1311;
    24.14 Adapted from M. Strickberger. 1990. Evolution. Boston: Jones & Bartlett;
    24.16 Adapted from L. Wolpert. 1998. Principles of Development. Oxford University Press; 24.18 Adapted from M. I. Coates. 1995. Current Biology 5:844-848.

    25.18 Adapted from S. Blair Hedges. The origin and evolution of model organisms. fig. 1, p. 840. Nature Reviews Genetics 3: 838-849.

    26.3 Adapted from D. Futuyma. 1998. Evolutionary Biology, 3rd ed., p. 128. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates;
    26.4a Map adapted from;
    26.6 Data from M. J. Benton. 1995. Diversification and extinction in the history of life. Science 268:55;
    26.11 Figure 4c from "The Antiquity of RNA-based Evolution" by G.F. Joyce et al., Nature, Vol. 418, p. 217. Copyright © 2002 Nature Publishing Co..;
    26.12 Adapted from David J. Des Marais. September 8, 2000. When did photosynthesis emerge on Earth? Science 289:1703-1705;
    26.19 Data from A. H. Knoll and S. B. Carroll, June 25, 199. Science 284:2129-2137.

    27.6 Adapted from Gerard J. Tortora, Berdell R. Funke, and Christine L. Case. 1998. Microbiology: An Introduction, 6th ed. Menlo Park, CA: Benjamin/Cummings. © 1998 Benjamin/Cummings, an imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

    28.3 Figure 3 from Archibald and Keeling, "Recycle Plastics," Trends in Genetics, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2, 2002, p. 352. Copyright © 2002, with permission from Elsevier;
    28.12 Adapted from R. W. Bauman. 2004. Microbiology, fig. 12.7, p. 350. San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings. © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

    29.13 Adapted from Raven et al. Biology of Plants, 6th ed., fig. 19.7.

    Table 30.1 Adapted from Randy Moore et al., Botany, 2nd ed. Dubuque, IA: Brown, 1998, Table 2.2, p. 37.

    34.8a Adapted From J. Mallatt and J. Chen, "Fossil sister group of craniates: predicted and found," Journal of Morphology, Vol. 251, no. 1, fig.1, 5/15/03,© 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc., a Wiley Co.;
    34.8b Adapted from D.-G. Shu et al. 2003. Head and backbone of the early Cambrian vertebrate Haikouichthys. Nature 421:528, fig. 1, part l. © 2003 Nature Publishing Group;
    34.12 Adapted From K. Kardong, Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function and Evolution, 3/e, © 2001McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Mathematics;
    34.19 Adapted from C. Zimmer. 1999. At the Water's Edge. Free Press, Simon & Schuster p. 90;
    34.20 Adapted from C. Zimmer. 1999. At the Water's Edge. Free Press, Simon & Schuster p. 99;
    34.33 Adapted from Stephen J. Gould et al. 1993. The Book of Life. London: Ebury Press, p. 96. Reprinted by permission of Random House UK Ltd;
    34.41 Drawn from photos of fossils: O. tugenensis photo in Michael Balter, Early hominid sows division, ScienceNow, Feb. 22, 2001, © 2001 American Association for the Advancement of Science. A. ramidus kadabba photo by Timothy White, 1999/Brill Atlanta. A. anamensis, A. garhi, and H. neanderthalensis adapted from The Human Evolution Coloring Book. K platyops drawn from photo in Meave Leakey et al., New hominid genus from eastern Africa shows diverse middle Pliocene lineages, Nature, March 22, 2001, 410:433. P. boisei drawn from a photo by David Bill. H. ergaster drawn from a photo at S. tchadensis drawn from a photo in Michel Brunet et al., A new hominid from the Upper Miocene of Chad, Central Africa, Nature, July 11, 2002, 418:147, fig. 1b.

    35.21 Pie chart adapted from Nature, Dec. 14, 2000, 408:799.

    39.17(graph), 38.18 Adapted from M. Wilkins. 1988. Plant Watching. Facts of File Publ.;
    39.29 Reprinted with permission from Edward Framer, 1997, Science 276:912. Copyright © 1997 American Association for the Advancement of Science.

    40.17 Adapted from an illustration by Enid Kotschnig in B. Heinrich, 1987. Thermoregulation in a winter moth. Scientific American 105;
    40.20 Adapted with permission from B. Heinrich, 1974, Science 185:747-756. © 1974 American Association for the Advancement of Science.

    41.5 Adapted from J. Marx, "Cellular Warriors at the Battle of the Bulge," Science, Vol. 299, p. 846. Copyright © 2003;
    41.13 Adapted from Lawrence G. Mitchell, John A. Mutchmor, and Warren D. Dolphin. 1988. Zoology. Menlo Park, CA: Benjamin/Cummings. © 1988 The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company;
    41.15 Adapted from R. A. Rhoades and R. G. Pflanzer. 1996. Human Physiology, 3rd ed., Saunders (Thomson Learning—Brooks/Cole), fig. 22-1, p. 666.

    43.7 Adapted from Gerard J. Tortora, Berdell R. Funke, and Christine L. Case. 1998. Microbiology: An Introduction, 6th ed. Menlo Park, CA: Benjamin/Cummings. © 1998 Benjamin/Cummings, an imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

    44.5 Kangaroo rat data adapted from Schmidt-Nielsen. 1990. Animal Physiology: Adaptation and Environment, 4th ed., p. 339. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;
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    John Cancalosi/Peter Arnold; 25.2 left Photodisc Green; 25.2 middle, right Dorling Kindersley; 25.4a Georg Gerster/Photo Researchers; 25.4b Yva Momatiuk/John Eastcott/Minden Pictures; 25.4c Manfred Kage/Peter Arnold; 25.4d Chip Clark; 25.4e Dr. Martin Lockley, University of Colorado; 25.4f Jeff Daly/Visuals Unlimited; 25.4g F. Latreille/Cerpolex/Cercles Polaires Expeditions; 25.15 student Photodisc Green; 25.15 mushroom, tulip Dorling Kindersley

    Chapter 26
    Chip Clark NMNH, artist Peter Sawyer; 26.2 L. K. Broman/Photo Researchers; 26.9 George Luther, University of Delaware Graduate College of Marine Studies; 26.10 F. M. Menger and Kurt Gabrielson, Emory University; 26.13a John Stolz; 26.13b S. M. Awramik, University of California/BPS; 26.13c Mitsuaki Iwago/Minden Pictures; 26.14 Theodore J. Bornhorst, Michigan Technological University; 26.16 Dean Soulia, University of Massachusetts; 26.17 both Shuhai Xiao; 26.18 Sinclair Stammers/SPL/Photo Researchers

    Chapter 27
    Jack Dykinga/Stone; 27.2a-b Dr. Dennis Kunkel/Visuals Unlimited; 27.2c Stem Jems/Photo Researchers; 27.3 Jack Bostrack/Visuals Unlimited; 27.4 Dr. Immo Rantala/Photo Researchers; 27.5 David Hasty, Fran Heyl Associates; 27.6 J. Adler; 27.7a S. W. Watson. © Journal of Bacteriology, American Society of Microbiology; 27.7b N. J. Lang/University of California/Biological Photo Service; 27.8 Gopal Murti/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers; 27.9 H. S. Pankratz, T. C. Beaman/Biological Photo Service; 27.10 Sue Barns; 27.11 Dr. Tony Brain/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers; 27.13.1 L. Evans Roth/ Biological Photo Service; 27.13.2 Yuichi Suwa; 27.13.4 left Phototake; 27.13.4 right Alfred Pasieka/Peter Arnold; 27.13.5 Photo Researchers; 27.13.6 Moredon Animal Health/SPL/Photo Researchers; 27.13.7 CNRI/SPL/Photo Researchers; 27.13.8 top Frederick P. Mertz/Visuals Unlimited; 27.13.8 bottom David M. Phillips, Visuals Unlimited; 27.13.9 T. E. Adams/Visuals Unlimited; 27.14 Helen E. Carr/ Biological Photo Service; 27.15 Ken Lucas/Biological Photo Service; 27.16 left Scott Camazine/Photo Researchers; 27.16 middle David M. Phillips/Photo Researchers, Inc.; 27.16 right Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 27.17 Exxon Corporation

    Chapter 28
    M. I. Walker/Photo Researchers; 28.2a Eric Grave/Photo Researchers; 28.2b Eric Grave/Phototake; 28.2c M.D. Guiry; 28.2d left Jeremy Burgess/Photo Researchers; 28.2d right John Walsh; 28.5a Jerome Paulin, Visuals Unlimited; 28.5b David M. Phillips/Visuals Unlimited; 28.6 David J. Patterson/micro*scope; 28.7 Oliver Meckes/Science Source/Photo Researchers; 28.8 Michael Abbey/Visuals Unlimited; 28.9 Guy Brugerolle, Universitad Clearmont, Ferrand; 28.10 Virginia Institute of Marine Science; 28.11 Masamichi Aikawa; 28.12 M. Abbey/Visuals Unlimited; 28.13 R. R. Powers; 28.14 Fred Rhoades/Mycena Consulting; 28.15 Eric Condliffe/Visuals Unlimited; 28.16 Kent Wood/Science Source/Photo Researchers; 28.17 Biological Photo Service; 28.18 Luis A. Solorzano and Warren E. Savary; 28.19 Jeffrey Rotman/Photo Researchers; 28.20a Dorling Kindersley; 28.20b Biophoto Associates/Photo Researchers; 28.20c Michael Yamashita/IPN/Aurora & Quanta Productions; 28.21 J. R. Waaland, University of Washington/Biological Photo Service; 28.22a Manfred Kage/Peter Arnold; 28.22b Richard Kessel & Gene Shih/Visuals Unlimited; 28.23 Robert Brons/Biological Photo Service; 28.24 all Akiro Kihara, Hosei University; 28.25 George Barron; 28.26 R. Calentine/Visuals Unlimited; 28.27 both Robert Kay, MRC Cambridge; 28.28a D. P. Wilson, Eric & David Hosking/Photo Researchers; 28.28b M.D. Guiry; 28.28c Gary Robinson/Visuals Unlimited; 28.29 Gerald & Buff Corsi/Visuals Unlimited; 28.30a left Manfred Kage/Peter Arnold; 28.30a right David J. Patterson/micro*scope; 28.30b David L. Ballantine, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico; 28.30c Laurie Campbell/NHPA; 28.31 W. L. Dentler, University of Kansas

    Chaper 29
    Martin Rugner/AGE fotostock; 29.2 S. C. Mueller and R. M. Brown, Jr.; 29.3a Heather Angel/Natural Visions; 29.3b Linda Graham; 29.5.1 left Ed Reschke; 29.5.1 right F. A. L. Clowes; 29.5.3 left Alan S. Heilman; 29.5.3 right Michael Clayton; 29.5.4 Barry Runk/Stan/Grant Heilman Photography; 29.5.5 left Karen Renzaglia, Southern Illinois University; 29.5.5 right Linda Graham; 29.6 Charles H. Wellman; 29.8 Richard Kessel & Gene Shih/Visuals Unlimited; 29.9.1 left Runk/Schoenberger/Grant Heilman Photography; 29.9.1 middle Linda Graham; 29.9.1 right The Hidden Forest,; 29.9.2 left The Hidden Forest,; 29.9.2 right Tony Wharton; Frank Lane Picture Agency/CORBIS; 29.10a Brian Lightfoot/AGE fotostock; 29.10b-c Linda Graham; 29.10d Chris Lisle/CORBIS; 29.14.1 left Jane Grushow/Grant Heilman Photography; 29.14.1 middle Murray Fagg, Australian National Botanic Gardens; 29.14.1 right Helga and Kurt Rasbach; 29.14.2 left Michael Viard/Peter Arnold; 29.14.2 middle Milton Rand/Tom Stack & Associates; 29.14.2 right Barry Runk/Stan/Grant Heilman Photography; 29.15 The Field Museum of Natural History

    Chapter 30
    National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution; 30.4.1 George Loun/Visuals Unlimited; 30.4.2 left Travis Amos, Benjamin Cummings; 30.4.2 right Grant Heilman Photography; 30.4.3 top left Michael and Patricia Fogden/Minden Pictures; 30.4.3 top right Michael Clayton; 30.4.3 bottom left Thomas Schoepke; 30.4.3 bottom right Doug Sokell/Visuals Unlimited; 30.4.4 top left Raymond Gehman/CORBIS; 30.4.4 middle left William Mullins/Photo Researchers; 30.4.4 bottom left David Muench/CORBIS; 30.4.4 bottom right Breck P. Kent/Animals Animals/Earth Scenes; 30.4.4 top right Gunter Marx Photography/CORBIS; 30.4.4 middle right Jaime Plaza, Wildlight; 30.4.4 middle inset Jaime Plaza, Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney; 30.8a-c, e Dorling Kindersley; 30.8d Bill Steele/Stone; 30.9a C. P. George/Visuals Unlimited; 30.9b Hans Dieter Brandl, Frank Lane Picture Agency/CORBIS; 30.9c Scott Camazine/Photo Researchers; 30.9c inset Dorling Kindersley; 30.11a David Dilcher and Ge Sun; 30.11b K. Simons and David Dilcher; 30.12.1 top Stephen McCabe; 30.12.1 middle Dorling Kindersley; 30.12.1 bottom Bob & Ann Simpson/Visuals Unlimited; 30.12.3 Andrew Butler/Dorling Kindersley; 30.12.4 top to bottom Eric Crichton/Dorling Kindersley; J.Dransfield; Dorling Kindersley; Terry W. Eggers/CORBIS; 30.12.5 top to bottom Ed Reschke/PeterArnold; Dorling Kindersley; Tony Wharton; Frank Lane Picture Agency/CORBIS; Dorling Kindersley, Gerald D. Carr; 30.13a D. Wilder; 30.13b Connie Toops; 30.13c Merlin D. Tuttle, Bat Conservation International; Table 30.1 Dorling Kindersley

    Chapter 31
    Barry Runk/Grant Heilman Photography; 31.2 top Hans Reinhard/Taxi; 31.2 middle Fred Rhoades/Mycena Consulting 31.2 bottom Elmer Koneman/Visuals Unlimited; 31.4 George L. Barron; 31.6 left Jack M. Bostrack/Visuals Unlimited; 31.6 right David Scharf/Peter Arnold; 31.7 Stephen J. Kron, University of Chicago; 31.8 Dirk Redecker, Robin Kodner, and Linda E. Graham. Glomalean Fungi from the Ordovician. Science 15 September 2000; 289: 1920-1921; 31.10 left John W. Taylor; 31.10 right William Barstow, Department of Botany, University of Georgia, Athens; 31.12 bottom left George Barron; 31.12 right Ed Reschke/Peter Arnold; 31.12 top left, middle Barry Runk/Stan/Grant Heilman Photography; 31.13 G. L. Barron, University of Guelph/Biological Photo Service; 31.14 Centers for Disease Control; 31.15 M. F. Brown/Biological Photo Service; 31.16a Frank Young/Papilio/CORBIS; 31.16b Viard/Jacana/Photo Researchers; 31.16c David M. Dennis/Animals Animals/Earth Scenes; 31.16d Matt Springer; 31.17 Fred Spiegel. University of Arkansas; 31.18a Phil Dotson/Photo Researchers; 31.18b Konrad Wothe/Minden Pictures; 31.18c Fletcher and Baylis/Photo Researchers; 31.18d Michael Fogden/DRK Photo; 31.19 Rob Simpson/Visuals Unlimited; 31.20 Biophoto Associates/Photo Researchers; 31.21 R. Ronacordi/Visuals Unlimited; 31.22 Mark Moffett/Minden Pictures; 31.23a Gerald & Buff Corsi/Visuals Unlimited; 31.23b David Sieren/Visuals Unlimited; 31.23c Fritz Polking/Visuals Unlimited; 31.24 V. Ahmadijian/Visuals Unlimited; 31.25a Brad Mogen/Visuals Unlimited; 31.25b Dorling Kindersley; 31.25c Robert Calentine/Visuals Unlimited; 31.26 Christine Case; lichen Dr. Jeremy Burgess/The National Audubon Society Collection/Photo Researchers

    Chapter 32
    Jeff Hunter/The Image Bank; 32.5a The Natural History Museum, London; 32.5b The Natural History Museum/Dorling Kindersley; 32.6 J. Sibbick/The Natural History Museum, London; 32.12 Kent Wood/Photo Researchers; 32.13a Carolina Biological/Visuals Unlimited

    Chapter 33
    C. Wolcott Henry III/National Geographic; 33.3.1 Stephen L. Dellaporta; 33.3.2 Reinhart Møberg Kristensen; 33.3.3 Peter Arnold; 33.3.4 Gregory G. Dimijian/Photo Researchers; 33.3.5 Peter Funch, University of Copenhagen; 33.3.6 Erling Svensen/UW Photo; 33.3.7 Reinhart Møberg Kristensen; 33.3.8 Andrew Syred/SPL/Photo Researchers; 33.3.9 Thomas Strombert; 33.3.10 Heather Angel/Natural Visions; 33.4 Andrew J. Martinez/Photo Researchers; 33.7a Andrew J. Martinez/Photo Researchers; 33.7b Robert Brons/Biological Photo Service; 33.7c Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority; 33.7d Neil G. McDaniel/Photo Researchers; 33.8 Robert Brons/Biological Photo Services; 33.9 Garry McCarthy; 33.11 Center for Disease Control; 33.12 Stanley Fleger/Visuals Unlimited; 33.13 W. I. Walker/Photo Researchers; 33.14a Colin Milkins, Oxford Scientific Films/Animals Animals; 33.14b Ron Offermans; 33.14c Fred Bavendam/Peter Arnold; 33.15 Erling Svensen/UW Photo; 33.17 Jeff Foott/Tom Stack and Associates; 33.18a Gerry Ellis/Minden Pictures; 33.18b CORBIS; 33.20 H. W. Pratt/Biological Photo Service; 33.22a Mike Severns/Tom Stack & Associates; 33.22b Robert Pickett/Papilio/Alamy Images; 33.22c Jonathan Blair/CORBIS; 33.23 A.N.T./NHPA; 33.24 Peter Batson/Image Quest Marine; 33.25 Astrid & Hanns-Frieder Michler/SPL/Photo Researchers; 33.26 Reprinted with permission from A. Eizinger and R. Sommer, Max Planck Institut fur entwicklungsbiologie, Tubingen. ©2000, American Association for the Advancement of Science; 33.27 L. S. Stepanowicz/Photo Researchers; 33.28 Chip Clark; 33.30 MIlton Tierney, Jr./Visuals Unlimited; 33.31a Tim Flach/Stone; 33.31b Andrew Syred/Photo Researchers; 33.31c Gunter Ziesler/Peter Arnold; 33.33 John R. Macgregor/Peter Arnold; 33.34 Tom McHugh/Photo Researchers; 33.36 all John Shaw/Tom Stack and Associates; 33.38a Maximilian Weinzierl/Alamy Images; 33.38b Peter Herring/Image Quest Marine; 33.38c Peter Parks/Image Quest Marine; 33.40a Fred Bavendam/Minden Pictures; 33.40b Jeff Rotman/Photo Researchers; 33.40c Robert Harding World Imagery/Alamy Images; 33.40d Jurgen Freund/Nature Picture Library; 33.40e Hal Beral/CORBIS; 33.40f Daniel Janies

    Chapter 34
    Biophoto Associates/Photo Researchers; 34.4a Robert Brons/Biological Photo Service; 34.5 Runk Schoenenberg/Grant Heilman Photography; 34.8a Nanjing Institute of Palaeontology and Geology; 34.8b D. G. Shu et al, Nature, vol. 421, 30 Jan. 2003; 34.9 Tom McHugh/Photo Researchers; 34.10 both Breck P. Kent/Animals Animals/Earth Scenes; 34.15a Masa Ushioda/Image Quest; 34.15b Jeff Mondragon/Mondragon Photography; 34.15c Masa Ushioda/Image Quest; 34.17a James D. Watt/Image Quest; 34.17b Fred Bavendam/Minden Pictures; 34.17c Marevision/AGE Fotostock; 34.17d Fred McConnaughey/Photo Researchers; 34.18 Richard Ellis/Photo Researchers; 34.21a Alberto Fernandez/AGE Fotostock; 34.21b-c Michael Fogden/Bruce Coleman; 34.22 all Hans Pfletschinger/Peter Arnold; 34.25 Jessie Cohen, National Zoological Park, © Smithsonian Institution; 34.26 left Department of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History; 34.26 right John Sibbick/National Geographic Magazine; 34.27a Doug Wechsler; 34.27b Matt Lee; 34.27c Michael & Patricia Fogden/Minden Pictures; 34.27d Medford Taylor/National Geographic Image Collection; 34.27e Carl & Ann Purcell/CORBIS; 34.28 Janice Sheldon; 34.29 Stephen J. Kraseman/DRK Photo; 34.30 left Portia Sloan; 34.30 right Xing Xu, Zhonghe Zhou, Xiaolin Wang, Xuewen Kuang, Fucheng Zhang & Xiangke Du. NATURE | VOL 421 | 23 JANUARY 2003. Pages 335-340; 34.32a Russell Mountford/Alamy Images; 34.32b CORBIS; 34.32c Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures; 34.32d Images; 34.34a Mervyn Griffiths/CSIRO; 34.34a inset D. Parer and E. Parer Cook/Auscape; 34.34b Dan Hadden/Ardea Ltd; 34.34c Matthias Breiter/OSF/Animals Animals/Earth Scenes; 34.37 Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures; 34.39a Kevin Schafer/AGE Fotostock; 34.39b Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures; 34.40a Morales/AGE Fotostock; 34.40b Anup Shah/ImageState/Alamy Images; 34.40c T. J. Rich/Nature Photo Library; 34.40d E. A. Janes/AGE Fotostock; 34.40e Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures; 34.42a Cleveland Museum of Natural History; 34.42b John Reader/SPL/Photo Researchers; 34.42c John Gurche; 34.43 left Alan Walker, National Museum of Kenya; 34.43 right Jay Matternes; 34.44 left David L. Brill; 34.44 right Jay Matternes; 34.45 C. Henshilwood & F. d'Errico

    Chapter 35
    Robert & Linda Mitchell/Robert & Linda Mitchell Photography; 35.4a James Strawser/Grant Heilman Photography; 35.4b Dorling Kindersley; 35.4c Drew Weiner; 35.4d Robert Holmes/CORBIS; 35.4e Geoff Tompkinson/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers; 35.5a Dorling Kindersley; 35.5b Gusto Productions/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers; 35.5c Barry Runk/Stan/Grant Heilman Photography; 35.5d Dorling Kindersley; 35.7a Scott Camazine/Photo Researchers; 35.7b Fritz Polking/Visuals Unlimited; 35.7c Mike Zens/CORBIS; 35.7d James Strawser/Grant Heilman Photography; 35.7e Jerome Wexler/Photo Researchers; 35.9.1 Brian Capon; 35.9.2 Graham Kent/Benjamin Cummings; 35.9.3 both Graham Kent/Benjamin Cummings; 35.9.4 Richard Kessel and Gene Shih/Visuals Unlimited; 35.9.5 both Graham Kent/Benjamin Cummings; 35.12 Carolina Biological Supply/Phototake; 35.13a-b Ed Reschke; 35.13c Carolina Biological Supply/Phototake; 35.14 Michael Clayton; 35.15 Ed Reschke; 35.16 both Ed Reschke; 35.17b-c Ed Reschke; 35.18 left Michael Clayton; 35.18 right Alison W. Roberts 35.21 Janet Braam, from Cell 60 (9 February 1990) copyright 1990 by Cell Press; 35.23 all Susan Wick, University of Minnesota; 35.24 B. Wells and Kay Roberts; 35.25a-b From figure 1 in B. Scheres et al, Development 121:53-62. © 1995 The Company of Biologists Ltd.; 35.25c From figure 6c in R. Torres Ruiz and G. Jurgens, Development 120:2967-2978. © 1994 The Company of Biologists Ltd.; 35.26 From figure 1a in U. Mayer et al, Development 117 (1): 149-162. © 1993 The Company of Biologists Ltd.; 35.27 both From figure 1 in D. Hareven et al, Cell 84 (5): 735-744. 1996 reprinted with permission of Elsevier Science; 35.28 From figure 2g in Hung et al, Plant Physiology 117:73-84. © 1998 Plant Physiology. Photo courtesy John Schiefelbein/University of Michigan; 35.29 Gerald D. Carr; 35.30 both Elliot M Meyerowitz and John Bowman, Development 112 1991:1-2 31.2

    Chapter 36
    Gary Randall/Taxi; 36.7 Nigel Cattlin/Holt Studios International/Photo Researchers; 36.10 Dana Richter/Visuals Unlimited; 36.11 Scott Camazine/Photo Researchers; 36.14 Jeremy Burgess/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers; 36.16 John D. Cunningham/Visuals Unlimited; 36.16 inset Dorling Kindersley; 36.19 all M. H. Zimmerman, courtesy of Professor P. B. Tomlinson, Harvard University

    Chapter 37
    Adam Hart-Davis/SPL/Photo Researchers; 37.4 Maurice Reece. From the Country Gentleman, courtesy of the Curtis Publishing Co.; 37.5 U. S. Department of Agriculture; 37.7 White et al, Plant Physiology, June 2003; 37.8 Kevin Horan/Stone; 37.10a Breck P. Kent/Earth Scenes; 37.10b E. H. Newcomb/Biological Photo Service; 37.12a both Gerald Van Dyke/Visuals Unlimited; 37.12b Carolina Biological Supply/Phototake NYC; 37.13.1 Wolfgang Kaehler/CORBIS; 37.13.2 left to right James Strawser/Grant Heilman Photography; Kevin Schafer/CORBIS; Andrew Syred/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers; Gary W. Carter/CORBIS; 37.13.3 left to right Dorling Kindersley; Biophoto Associates/Photo Researchers; Dorling Kindersley; Paul A. Zahl/Photo Researchers; Fritz Polking/Frank Lane Picture Agency/CORBIS

    Chapter 38
    COMPOST/VISAGE/Peter Arnold; 38.3.1 left to right Karen Tweedy-Holmes/CORBIS; Dorling Kindersley; Craig Lovell/CORBIS; John Cancalosi/Nature Photo Library; 38.3.2 left to right D. Cavagnaro/Visuals Unlimited; David Sieren/Visuals Unlimited; Marcel E. Dorken (2 photos); 38.4a left Ed Reschke; 38.4a right David Scharf/Peter Arnold; 38.4b Ed Reschke; 38.11 David Cavagnaro/DRK; 38.12a, b Bruce Iverson; 38.13 Sinclair Stammers/Photo Researchers; 38.14 both Dorling Kindersley; 38.15 Steve Ferreira, University of Hawaii and Dennis Gonsalves, Cornell University, courtesy American Phytopathological Society; 38.16 Peter Berger, Institut für Biologie, Freiburg

    Chapter 39
    Malcolm Wilkins, University of Glasgow; 39.2 both Natalie Bronstein; 39.7 both Regulation of Polar Auxin Transport ATPIN1 in Arabidopsis Vascular Tissue," by Leo Galweiler, et al) Science 18 Dec 1998 , vol. 282, pp. 2226-2229; 39.9 both Malcolm Wilkins, University of Glasgow; 39.10 Fred Jensen/Kearney Agricultural Center; 39.12 Karen E. Koch; 39.14a Kurt Stepnitz, DOE Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University; 39.14b Joe Kieber, University of North Carolina; 39.16 Ed Reschke; 39.17 all Malcolm Wilkins, University of Glasgow; 39.18 all Malcolm Wilkins, University of Glasgow; 39.21 both Malcolm Wilkins, University of Glasgow; 39.25 all Michael Evans, Ohio State University; 39.26 Janet Braam, from Cell 60 (9 February 1990): cover. © 1990 by Cell Press; 39.27a-b David Sieren/Visuals Unlimited; 39.27c From K. Esau, anatomy of Seed Plants, 2nd ed. (New York: John Wiley and sons, 1977), fig. 19.4, p. 358; 39.28 J. L. Basq and M. C. Drew

    Chapter 40
    Mitsuhiko Imamori/Minden Pictures; 40.2a Flip Nicklin/Minden Pictures; 40.2b Andrew Sallmon/Mondragon Photography; 40.2c Tui De Roy/Minden Pictures; 40.2d Bill Varie/CORBIS; 40.2e Norbert Wu/Minden Pictures; 40.4 top right D. M. Phillips/Visuals Unlimited; 40.4 left G. Shih-R. Kessel/Visuals Unlimited; 40.4 bottom right Dr. Richard Kessel & Dr. Randy Kardon/Tissues & Organs/Visuals Unlimited; 40.5.1 CNRI/SPL/Photo Researchers; 40.5.2 top left Nina Zanetti; 40.5.2 top right Chuck Brown/Photo Researchers; 40.5.2 middle left Science VU/Visuals Unlimited; 40.5.2 middle right Nina Zanetti; 40.5.2 bottom left Nina Zanetti; 40.5.2 bottom right Dr. Gopal Murti/SPL/Photo Researchers; 40.5.3 top to bottom Nina Zanetti; Gladden Willis, M. D./Visuals Unlimited; Manfred Kage/Peter Arnold; Ed Reschke; 40.6 Dr. Richard Kessel & Dr. Randy Kardon/Tissues & Organs/Visuals Unlimited; 40.8a Robert Full, University of California; 40.8b Yoav Levy/Phototake NY; 40.18 Daniel Lyons/Bruce Coleman; 40.19 Robert Ganz; 40.22 John Gerlach/Visuals Unlimited

    Chapter 41
    David Young-Wolff/PhotoEdit; 41.2 top left Flip Nicklin/Minden Pictures; 41.2 top right Tom Eisner, Cornell University; 41.2 middle right Lennart Nilsson; 41.2 bottom Gunter Ziesler/Peter Arnold, Inc.; 41.4 Susumu Nishinaga/SPL/Photo Researchers; 41.6 The Jackson Laboratory; 41.7 Wolfgang Kaehler/CORBIS; 41.8 Thomas Mangelsen/Minden Pictures; 41.9 Dagmar Fabricius/Stock Boston; 41.10 both Digital Vision/CORBIS; 41.11 Roland Seitre/Peter Arnold; 41.17 Fred E. Hossler/Visuals Unlimited; 41.18 Eye of Science/Photo Researchers; 41.25 Kelley Wise/Vital Imaging; 41.27 both PhotoDisc

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    George Bernard/Animals Animals; 42.2 Norbert Wu/Mo Young Productions; 42.9 Dr. Richard Kessel & Dr. Randy Kardon/Tissues & Organs/Visuals Unlimited; 42.13 CNRI/Phototake; 42.14 Lennart Nilsson, The Body Victorious, Dell Publishing Company; 42.17 Science Source/Photo Researchers; 42.18a Ed Reschke; 42.18b W. Ober/Visuals Unlimited; 42.20a Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures; 42.20b Peter Batson/Image Quest Marine; 42.20c H. W. Pratt/Biological Photo Service; 42.20d Dave Haas; 42.22b Thomas Eisner; 42.23 left Dr. Richard Kessel & Dr. Randy Kardon/Tissues & Organs/Visuals Unlimited; 42.23 right CNRI/ Photo Researchers; 42.25 Hans Rainer Dunker, Justus Leibig University, Giessen; 42.31 Stan Lindstedt

    Chapter 43
    Biology Media/Photo Researchers; 43.3 Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers; 43.15 David Scharf/Peter Arnold; 43.16 Lennart Nilsson/Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH; 43.17 Gopal Murti/Phototake; 43.20 Lennart Nilsson/Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH; 43.21 CNRI/SPL/Photo Researchers; 43.22 Lennart Nilsson/Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH

    Chapter 44
    Peter Reese/Nature Photo Library; 44.2 Nigel J. Dennis/NHPA/Photo Researchers; 44.4 both John Crowe; 44.13b Lise Bankir. From Urinary concentrating ability: insights from comparative anatomy, Bankir and de Rouffignac, Am J. Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 1985; 249: 643-666; 44.13d Dr. Richard Kessel & Dr. Randy Kardon/Tissues & Organs/Visuals Unlimited; 44.17 Michael & Patricia Fogden/Minden Pictures; 44.18 kangaroo rat Mary McDonald/Nature Photo Library; 44.18 beaver Michael Quinton/Minden Pictures; 44.18 road runner Gerry Ellis/Minden Pictures; 44.18 iguana Daniel Heuclin/NHPA/Photo Researchers; 44.18 trout Tim Martin/Nature Photo Library; 44.18 frog Laurie Campbell/NHPA/Photo Researchers; 44.18 tuna Juan Carlos Calvin/AGE fotostock

    Chapter 45
    Ralph A. Clevenger/CORBIS; 45.5 VVG/SPL/Photo Researchers; 45.10 Custom Medical Stock Photo; 45.14 Photodisc

    Chapter 46
    Robin Chittenden/CORBIS; 46.2 David Wrobel, Monterey Bay Aquarium; 46.3 David Crews, photo by P. de Vries; 46.4 Stephan Myers; 46.5 Dwight Kuhn; 46.6 William Ferguson; 46.17 all Lennart Nilsson/Albert Bonniers Vorlag AB; 46.21 UHB Trust/Stone

    Chapter 47
    Lennart Nilsson/Albert Bonniers Vorlag AB; 47.2 Historical Collections, College of Physicians, Philadelphia; 47.4 all Jerry Schatten et al; 47.7a-d George von Dassow; 47.9 both Dr. Richard Kessel & Dr. Gene Shih/Visuals Unlimited; 47.11 Charles A Ettensohn, Carnegie Mellon University; 47.14.1 CABISCO/Visuals Unlimited; 47.14.3 Thomas Poole, SUNY Health Science Center; 47.15 Carolina Biological Supply/Phototake; 47.21 Reproduced form Dr. Jean Paul Thiery Journal of Cell Biology 96 (1983): 462-473; 47.22 both Janet Heasman, University of Minnesota; 47.23 both Hiroki Nishida, Developmental Biology 121 (1987): 526. Reprinted by permission of Academic Press; 47.26a Kathryn Tosney, University of Michigan; 47.27 Courtesy of Dennis Summerbell

    Chapter 48
    G. Fesl MD, Dept. of Neuroradiology, LMU Munich, Germany; 48.7 N. Kedersha/Photo Researchers; 48.8 Alan Peters, from Bear, Connors, and Paradiso, Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain © 1996, p. 43; 48.16 E. R Lewis, University of California; 48.29 Marcus Raichle, MD, Washington University School of Medicine; 48.34 Fred H. Gage, The Salk Institute, Laboratory of Genetics; 48.35 Martin M. Rotker/Photo Researchers

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    Stephen Dalton/NHPA; 49.4 top OSF/Animals Animals; 49.4 bottom R. A. Steinbrecht, Max Planck Institute; 49.5a Joe McDonald/Animals Animals; 49.5b Flip Nicklin/Minden Pictures; 49.7 John L. Pontier/Animals Animals; 49.16 From Richard Elzinga, Fundamentals of Entomology 3 ed. ©1987, p. 185. Reprinted by permission of Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ; 49.29 all Dr. H. E Huxley; 49.36 Dave Watts/NHPA/Photo Researchers; 49.37 Vance A. Tucker

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    Mark Moffett/Minden Pictures; 50.2 PhotoDisc; 50.3a Amos Nachoum/The Image Bank; 50.3b Joe McDonald/CORBIS; 50.3c Tom Bean/CORBIS; 50.3d B. Tharp/Photo Researchers; 50.3e Yann Arthus-Bertrand/CORBIS; 50.4 Erich Hartmann/Magnum Photos; 50.7 Richard Ditch; 50.9 Hubert Stadler/CORBIS; 50.17.1 left Allen Russell/Index Stock; 50.17.1 right Gerry Ellis/Minden Pictures; 50.17.2 David Muench/CORBIS 50.17.3 left Ron Watts/CORBIS; 50.17.3 right Charles McDowell/Grant Heilman Photography; 50.17.4 James Randklev/The Image Bank; 50.17.5 Stuart Westmorland/CORBIS; 50.17.6 Stuart Westmorland/CORBIS; 50.17.7 Digital Vision; 50.17.8 William Lange/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; 50.20.1 Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures; 50.20.2 Joe McDonald/CORBIS; 50.20.3 Wolfgang Kaehler/CORBIS; 50.20.4 John D. Cunningham/Visuals Unlimited; 50.20.5 Tom Bean/The Image Bank; 50.20.6 Bill Ross/CORBIS; 50.20.7 Kennan Ward/CORBIS; 50.20.8 Darrell Gulin/CORBIS

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